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With the support of

CHUC - Centro Hospitalar               IP - Instituto Português do
e Universitário de Coimbra             Sangue e Transplantação

            IP ST Logo


Banco de Olhos CHUC                          Universidade de Medicina
                                                             de Coimbra  


        Banco CHUC Logo            Logo Coimbra Uni


Societas Ophthalmologica                       Direção-Geral da Saúde











Organising Committee:

Maria João Quadrado, MD, PhD, Head of Coimbra Eye Bank, Coimbra
  University Hospital - Portugal

Joaquim Murta, MD, PhD, Head of the Ophthamolgy Department,
   Coimbra University Hospital - Portugal
João Quadrado Gil, MD, PhD, Coimbra Eye Bank, Coimbra University
   Hospital - Portugal


Organising Agency:

Sílvia da Silva
  Lisboa - Portugal

Logo Veranatura



Scientific Committee:

Prof. John Armitage, PhD
Maria João Quadrado, MD, PhD
Joaquim Murta, MD, PhD
Walter Rodrigues, MD
Pedro Candelária, MD
Luis Oliveira, MD


Supported by